Mayor Molly McMole Explains Why General Henry Knoix was an American Hero in Lorraine Strieby's New Book, Hoisting the Flag
In her new book, Hoisting the Flag, Book 8, Mayor Molly finds out why General Henry Knox was an American hero: After the Americans had a significant battle win in Fort Ticonderoga, the Brits stupidly left 59 cannons. Oops! Washington chose Knox to go to the fort and get those cannons. Knox and his men built sleds for these cannons and transported them over mountainous terrain in the snow to the Delaware River to meet Washington. Washington then gave Knox the job of getting those cannons across the Delaware for the next battle in Trenton, New Jersey. And Knox was under Washington, in charge of the troops crossing the Delaware. Then Knox and his men transported those 59 cannons to Yorktown where Washington and his men won the war with the help of the French navy. General Henry Knox was an American hero! Soon to be on Amazon #americanhistory #generalhenryknox #fortticonderoga #crossingthedelaware Knox was the first Secretary of War