I SHOUDN'T HAVE TO DO THIS, because we as Americans ought to know (and be taught) about our Constitution and the Bill of Rights.  Seems like some in Congress and our Judicial Branch may have forgotten:

1.  160 countries have modeled  their constitutions after ours, there are 170 countries

2.  Only US citizens can vote in Federal elections (its in the Constitution)

3.  To change our Constitution by amendment--VERY DIFFICULT--must be approved by 2/3rds of both houses of Congress and 3/4 of the states' legislatures.  

4. Three people who wrote our Constitution, Presidents James Madison, Thomas Jefferson, and John Jay, First Chief  Justice of our Supreme Court. 

5.  Our Constitution not only  designed out government but also  limits it to prevent arbitrary rule.  Our Constitution guarantees every US citizen fundamental rights and protection of life, liberty and property.

Alas and Alack, Mr. President, you need to protect our citizens in border states and small and big business properties in our cities. In short, you need to follow the Constitution!

Have a good day, Lorraine Strieby, AKA Mayor Molly McMole, head of her Mole Town, protector of her Mole Hole Borders, and her Mole Tribe     

In closing,  According to federal law, on Sept 17th, Constitution Day, all federally financed educational AND  governmental institutions must teach about the Constitution.   Do our public schools do that? Me thinks not.   Congress, please check it out.  

#usconstitution #forefathers #ushistory #historybuffs #americanhistory #billofrights #constitutionday #september17



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