KAWLAJA--AUTHOR INTERRUPTED


My new book, now on Amazon

Have you ever met a crow—up close and personal?
That bird staring at you has the intelligence of
a 7 - 10 year old kid.
That crow can remember your face, and 
communicate to its crow buddies how much he/she likes you and just might give you a gift that is of interest to it like a shiny card or
pencil. I met a crow once when I was an 8 year old kid. His name was Kawlaja.
I’m used to writing about a mole tribe now living in Underground San Diego, headed up by Mayor Molly McMole. Somehow though this bird Kawlaja took over, a bird known by kids around town—Morgantown, WV.
Kawlaja could talk, cuss, loved softball, kids, and was an accomplished thief.
Kawlaja is now on Amazon in my reading room huffims.com alongside The Adventures of Molly McMole.
I’m back to writing about Mayor Molly’s Underground, she has another border problem to solve, but if you want to meet a crow, 
You know where to go.  You will also meet his friend, Huffims the Cat, and people around town too.  Bedtime book for kids...

Lorraine Strieby, author interrupted 
#crows #Audubonsociety #ilovecrows
#childrenbooks #crow #crowlovers #bedtimestorytime #BedtimeAdventure
#cat #catlover #crowsoninstagram  #birdsoninstagram  #cat #cats #catlover #catsofinstagram #veterinarians #findingthelight #morgantownwv #westvirgiia #westvirgiiauniversity #wvu #firstwardelementary 


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