Are You Smarter Than a Kid Who Read Lorraine Strieby's American History Books?
Here are a few children questions in the Hoisting the Flag Study Guide, can you answer them?:
1] What founding father went to France to plead for French war ships from the king to help win the war at Yorktown? And
Was he successful?
2] Who was the bookworm who became a general and built sleds at Fort Ticonderoga to transport cannons that were left behind by the British and transported them to Yorktown over mountainous terrain?
3] Who was Admiral de Grass?
4] Did General Guy Carlton fight for the British or the Americans?
#childhoodstorybooks #americanhistory #americanforefathers #Yorktown #charlescornwallis #chinkling
#georgewashington #henryknox #theswampfox #thevolutlure #masqueradeball #betsyross #revolultionarywar #ilovehistory #whathappenedtogeneralcornwallissword #sword #benfranklin #5homasjeffrson #painlesswaytolearnhistoory #warrantofficerbillylee #britishgeneralsin revolution
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