Are You Smarter Than a Kid Who Read Lorraine Strieby's American History Books?



These are children storybooks that can be used as fun history text books because they are based on fact and at the end of Book 8 there is a study guide referring to these three books.  
I have my own book shelf on Amazon, 

History can be boring to some so I wrote in free verse poetry, (a little like Dr. Seuss)  and the teacher is a little mole, Mayor Molly McMole, leader of her mole tribe, who loves digging up facts about how our colonies became the United States of America and because they are storybooks, something to read to your children as a bedtime story or even an interesting text book, a study guide was added.  All this learning takes place down the mole hole, Underground San Diego, California.  There are colorful illustrations too!

Here are a few children questions in the Hoisting the Flag Study Guide, can you answer them?:

1] What founding father went to France to plead for French war ships from the king to help win the war at Yorktown? And

Was he successful?

2] Who was the bookworm who became a general and built sleds at Fort Ticonderoga to transport cannons that were left behind by the British and transported them to Yorktown over mountainous terrain?

3] Who was Admiral de Grass?

4] Did General Guy Carlton fight for the British or the Americans?

#childhoodstorybooks #americanhistory #americanforefathers #Yorktown #charlescornwallis #chinkling

#georgewashington #henryknox #theswampfox #thevolutlure #masqueradeball  #betsyross #revolultionarywar #ilovehistory #whathappenedtogeneralcornwallissword #sword #benfranklin #5homasjeffrson #painlesswaytolearnhistoory #warrantofficerbillylee  #britishgeneralsin revolution



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